About Us


JEDI Lab is an interdisciplinary research group led by Dr. Janghee Cho at the Division of Industrial Design, National University of Singapore. We approach design not only as a process and a discipline but as a means of shaping our art of living. We use design as an inquiry into how technologies mediate everyday life and how they might cultivate more joyful, interconnected, and reflective experiences. Drawing on sociotechnical, critical, and speculative perspectives, we deeply explore people and phenomena, challenging established paradigms and creating new possibilities for technology and social innovation.

At the JEDI Lab, we are committed to a set of core principles that guide our research and design practices:

We Design for Joyful Experience
We create technologies that enrich everyday life, fostering joy in an increasingly uncertain world.

We Embrace Reflective Practices  
We believe in the power of reflection as a meaning-making process. Our work centers on fostering conversations between individuals and their experiences, objects, or situations. Through reflection, we aim to navigate the pervasive anxiety and uncertainty of contemporary issues.

We Prioritize Ethical Design
We place ethics at the core of our design philosophy. Rooted in the principles of critical technical practice, we strive to design technologies that challenge conventional norms, reflect human values, and contribute to sustainable futures.

We Focus on Sociotechnical Systems We understand that technology does not exist in isolation but is deeply interconnected with society and culture. By exploring the dynamic interplay between technology, social systems, and human values, we ensure that our designs integrate thoughtfully into the everyday lives of diverse communities.

Division of Industrial Design
College of Design and Engineering National University of Singapore 
8 Architecture Drive Singapore 117356