We are an interdisciplinary research group reimagining the role of technology in everyday life by addressing uncertainty, fostering joyful interactions, and promoting sustainable living and working. Through sociotechnical and critical design, we create new possibilities for joyful, meaningful, and reflective technologies.
JEDI Lab is part of the Division of Industrial Design at the National University of Singapore.
Futures of

We investigate how emerging technologies can enhance workers’ well-being, address care responsibilities, and support work-life balance to foster more inclusive and flexible work environments.
Reflection in
Everyday Life

We explore how technology can support reflection in everyday life, fostering human agency and cultivating rest and well-being through culturally grounded approaches (e.g., Taoism) to navigating uncertainty.
Digital Health
for Youth

We study the impact of emerging technologies on youth health and well-being, with a focus on fostering resilience and supporting normalcy.